Technical SEO


Measurement Tools

Optimization Tools/plugins

- Litespeed Cache with memcache
- WP-Rocket
- Autoptimize
- WP fastest cache
- Clearfy


  • Make sure to choose a good hosting and stay away from shared hosting plan. Buy a dedicated server and choose the specs depending on your website and how much resources you need. In the appendix below you can find recommended hosting websites.

  • If you are using Wordpress or any other CMS, make sure to choose a light theme and try to stay away from themes that use heavy builders such as Elementor if possible.

  • PHP version should be not below than 7.4.

  • Redirect or Delete Dead Weight Pages Such as Tag, Categories, Out- dated Pages and Low Traffic Pages.

  • Disable embeds and Emojis, Disable XML-RPC, and Disable Self Pingbacks. These functions can be disabled using any Wordpress Performance plugins such as the ones listed in the appendix.

  • Always disable plugins that you don't use. This will reduce the load on the server

    • Delay loading of scripts that send external requests such as Google Adsense scripts. For example, adsbygoogle.js can be delayed using any Wordpress Performance plugins such as the ones listed in the appendix.

    • Use Lazy Loading and you can exclude your logo from being lazy loaded. Lazy loading can be done using any Wordpress Performance plugins such as the ones listed in the appendix.

    • If you have many external resources in your website then you need to use DNS prefetch, prerender, preconnect, prefetch, and preload. These can be achieved using Pre* Party Resource Hints plugin listed in the appendix.

Last updated