On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is the work you do inside your website to optimize the existing content and the structure of the website.

On-Page SEO Checklist

  • Set Custom URLs for Pages & Posts

  • Use Optimized Page Headings

  • Craft Unique Optimized Title Tags & Meta Descriptions

  • Use Optimized File Names for Images

  • Add Alt Text to Images

  • Optimize Images Optimizing GIFs

  • Schema Markups For FAQs Page, Main Page And Articles

  • No-index Tag Pages & Other Low-value Content

  • Redirect Non-www to www Or Vice Versa

  • Find and Fix Crawl Errors From Search Console

  • Fix Broken Internal and Outbound Links

  • Find and Fix HTTP Links on HTTPS Pages

  • Use an SEO-Friendly URL Structure

  • Remove Pages With No Traffic Or Visits and Combine Them Into One Page

  • Include Your Keyword In Your URL

  • Use Short URLs

  • Front-Load Your Keyword In Your Title Tag

  • Use Your Keyword in H1, H2 or H3 Tags

  • Use Synonyms and LSI Keywords

  • Use External Links In Your Post But Not Too Many

  • Increasing CTR and Dwell Time By Using Catchy Titles in The SEO Titles and Using Bucket Brigades in The Content. Examples of catchy titles

*here is the deal
*but thre is a catch
*what's the real story
*the best part?
*why does this matter?
*that's not all

On Page Tools

Page Analysis




https://www.drlinkcheck.com/ [Broken Links Finder]

Structured-Data Testing Tool


Last updated