Hosting Website on Light Sail and Namecheap

1. Create a WordPress Instance on AWS Lightsail

  1. Log into AWS Management Console: Access the Lightsail dashboard.

  2. Create an Instance: Choose the Create instance option. Select Linux/Unix as the platform, and WordPress as the blueprint.

  3. Choose Your Instance Plan: Select a plan that fits your needs.

  4. Name Your Instance: Give your instance a unique name for identification.

  5. Create and Wait: Click Create instance. It might take a few minutes for your instance to be up and running.

2. Set Up a Static IP for Your Lightsail Instance

  1. Navigate to the Networking Tab: In the Lightsail dashboard, find the Networking tab.

  2. Create a Static IP: Assign it to your WordPress instance. This ensures your IP address remains constant, even if you stop and start your instance.

3. Update DNS Settings on Namecheap

  1. Log into Namecheap: Access your account and go to the dashboard.

  2. Find Your Domain: Navigate to the domain list and click on the domain you want to use.

  3. Manage DNS Settings: Look for the DNS or Domain settings and select Manage.

  4. Add A Record: You need to add an A Record to point to your Lightsail instance’s static IP.

  • Type: A Record

  • Host: @ (for the root domain) or www if you want to direct a subdomain.

  • Value: Enter the static IP address of your Lightsail instance.

  • TTL (Time to Live): Set this according to your preference, but the default is typically fine.

4. Update WordPress URL

If your WordPress site URL needs to be updated to the new domain, follow these steps:

  1. Log into WordPress Admin: Navigate to your WordPress site by entering the public IP address of your Lightsail instance.

  2. Update Settings: Go to Settings > General.

  3. Change WordPress Address and Site Address: Update these to your new domain name.

  4. Save Changes.


  • SSL Certificate: Consider setting up an SSL certificate for your domain to secure your WordPress site. AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) offers free certificates, but these can't be directly used with Lightsail. Instead, consider using Let's Encrypt for a free SSL certificate.

  • Backup and Monitoring: Set up backups and monitoring within Lightsail to safeguard your data and ensure performance.

Last updated